Summer Fun, Pets, and Pools

Poolie Team: Feb 28, 2024

Hey there, fellow pool enthusiasts! Summer is finally here, and we can’t wait to dive into some splish-splash fun with you and your furry friends. At Poolie, we believe that summer is all about creating amazing memories by the poolside, and that includes including our four-legged pals in the aquatic adventure. So, let’s wag those tails and paddle away in the pool of happiness! But before we jump in, let’s go over some tips to ensure a safe and delightful pool time for you and your pets.


Safety first, folks! Just like we keep an eye on the little ones around the pool, it’s essential to be attentive to our pets as well. Not all dogs are natural swimmers, so keep a close watch and provide them with a pet life vest if needed. And remember, not all pets may enjoy the water, so let them dip their paws and decide if they want to join in the fun.


What’s a pool party without some paw-some toys? Grab some water-safe toys for your pets to enjoy in the pool. From floating balls to water-fetch sticks, the options are endless! Just make sure the toys are pet-friendly and won’t cause any harm.


Splashing around can be thirsty work, even for our furry friends. Keep a water bowl by the poolside, so your pets can stay hydrated between pool sessions. Avoid letting them drink pool water, as it can lead to tummy troubles.


After a pool party, give your pets a quick rinse to wash off any pool chemicals or debris. Dry them thoroughly and don’t forget to trim their nails to avoid scratching the pool liner.


At Poolie, we believe that pools are not just for humans; they’re for the whole family, including our adorable pets! So, gear up, get ready, and let’s make this summer a splash-tastic one! We’re here to help you maintain a safe and clean pool for everyone to enjoy, furry friends included. Get in touch with Poolie today and let’s start this summer with a bark and a splash!

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